Hey there folks! I think my blog silence is now over - I've had an interesting 2009 so far, but very little sewing going on.
So what has me so preoccupied that I can't find the time for my favorite creative outlet? I'm expecting! Thus far, it has been an easy pregnancy (knock on wood with me here, people) with very little to disrupt my life except for the usual symptoms. We don't know what the sex of the baby is yet and, frankly, we're not sure if we will be finding out - so few surprises left, I say :-)
It's all very exciting and now that I am approaching the 5 month marker, I find myself growing out of my regular clothes. I don't know about any one else, but, man oh man, is it hard to find attractive maternity clothes! I am on the taller side - 5'9" and prefer a 34" inseam on my pants - and this made it near impossible to find decent jeans that were long enough! The only pants that had enough length were close to the $200 mark, which is really out of my budget, never mind the fact they didn't fit quite right in the rear. Apparently, the market for designer jeans does not include rear ends so the labels
must accommodate. Who knew? Anyhow, I discovered Gap Maternity does come in long lengths, but only to 33", which means flats only, no heels. I bit the bullet, found the right size on-line and live in these jeans pretty much from Friday to Sunday.
Tops are another story all together, and this brings me to my latest endeavour:
Burda World of Fashion 08-2008-124. It is a tunic style top with a drawstring at the empire waist line.

Overall, it's an interesting look. I'm about 80% completed - just permanent stitching for the sleeves (still basted but as the hard part of setting in sleeves is done, this will be quick work), hems and the drawstring left. Frankly, I'm on the fence regarding the success of the top. Typical
Burda, it's super low cut - just above the line where decency would be called to question. And with the wide neckline, the shoulders have a tendency of slipping. This could probably be helped by adding bra strap holders, which might also control the neckline a bit more.
What do you think of it belted? I'm on the fence as to whether to even go through the trouble of adding the drawstring and just going with a belt for now.

I'm leaning towards the less complicated option of belt loops and calling it a day. With the belt, I think the top is quite fetching - pretty darn close to the model photo
and I'm actually pregnant. I am convinced that the majority of maternity clothes are modeled by regular models with the false
preggo-belly strapped on. I've been forced to conclude it's a big conspiracy to make normal women feel totally huge and inadequate in our obsessed-with-being-thin society. But, I digress...
Conversely, I could just leave the waist out all together for when I get really big.

What do you think? Drawstring, belt, or
waistless smock? I have created a poll on the side bar. What say you, my public?